Monday, May 4, 2009


Adrenoleukodystrophy is a genetic disease that occurs in males and some females of all ages. The gene that causes this disease was founded in 1993. This disease occurs when the transporter protein, which carries enzymes that are used to break down very long-chained fatty acids, is missing. There are three major categories of this disease. Childhood cerebral form, which occurs in children ages 4 to 8, Adrenomyelopathy,which occurs in men in their late 20's, and Impaired adrenal gland function, which is when the adrenal gland does not produce enough steroid hormones. The symptoms you can have if you have the Childhood cerebral form are adrenal problems, changes in muscle tone; especially muscle spasms, crossed eyes, swallowing difficulty, and seizures. If you have Adrenomyelopathy, the symptoms could be adrenal problems, difficulty controlling urine, and problems with thinking speed and visual memory. Adrenal gland function has the worst symptoms. I f you have this, you can be put in a coma, decreased appetite, increased skin pigmentation, loss of weight, muscle weakness, and vomiting. Unfortunately, 1 in every 20,000 are diagnosed with one of these diseases. Most people, after being diagnosed, can live as long as 10 years more. This means that if a child is diagnosed at the age of 4, by the time that child is 10 or 12 the child will be very ill and die soon. All races can have this disease but since males have 2 X chromosomes and this disease is a X chromosome relaProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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d disease, males have this disease. Some females can be carriers or have minor symptoms. There are currently no treatments that totally cure the disease, but some can help. Some that can help are steroids, bone marrow transplant, and eating a diet that is low on long-chained fatty acids and taking special oils. I feel really bad for the people that have it because they suffer so much. They don't deserve to have it. Just because it was passed down to them from their parents, they have to suffer too. I hope they find a cure to this disease soon, so people can have a chance to live.