In class this week we were learning about different types of symbiotic relationships. Some things i learned was that there are different%20types%20of%20symbiotic%20relationships.%20%20Some%20of%20them%20are%20parasitism%2C%20mutalism%2C%20commensalism%2C%20and%20symbiosis.%20%20A%20parasitism%20is%20when a parasite is living in or out of it's host. I also learned that a parasite can also be an ectoparasite or an endoparasite. A commensalism is where one organism benifits and the other is not harmed. A mutalism is where both of the organisms benifts. Lastly, a symbiosis is a relationship between two or more organisms. An example of a symbiosis relationship is a clownfish floating around sea anemones. Overall, I learned what the different types of symbiotic relationships.
Ice Storms Website
14 years ago
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